2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

  • advice - offered you more advice than anyone on this site. You've taken it once. You bought appliance paint for your seed truck. LOL
  • results - everytime I say what I think the minor change to my car will bring, you deny till I post slips
  • money spent - never said it was free. I said it don't take a 6k dollar stroker to go mid 12's... LOL

Okay I have to refute every one of those
. That was son of seed truck and you just proved yourself wrong I do take your advice... (Unfortunately that's the one you can only conveniently remember for the sake of this discussion...) Convenient isn't it...
. I'll deny everybody's bullcrap till I see a time slip...
. My (as Only You Proclaim..) 6 K stroker LOL I can't even believe I'm saying that cuz it's so untrue.. has low 11 timeslips..
So again all of your fake news was refuted... AGAIN...:rolleyes:...