Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everybody. Oh my so I have slept. That was awesome, and the body needed it.

Anyway, today I want to point out a local parts place with a great and friendly owner, who also have very decent prices, and he has quite a bit of older parts laying around. Maybe not OEM so much, but still parts that could be hard to find many other places. He will also direct you to other places if he does not have the part.

Dave's Auto Parts - Santa Rosa, California - Automotive Parts Store | Facebook!1s0x808437f6d83969a9:0x33a0d51efefd4258!3m1!7e115!4s!5sDave's Auto Parts, Santa Rosa, CA - Google Search!15sCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipMvKaktJY2sJcnPMtqT6U9mc9Ux43NxEp7_yxFr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwihzIzJz8blAhVYHzQIHUxuAmIQoiowCnoECAwQBg

Dave's Auto Parts, Santa Rosa, CA - Google Search

A good guy, into racing, and he knows a lot.
