2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Hurry, list more parts missing...!!!!! that's what tied it up yesterday!

Ok Good idea. Here go. lol

Got a crossmember under the Dart.
Still need the correct bolt tho.

Here the story on that.

The ebay pictures on the thread that was posted on my want ad had me go back and look at that crossmember that @HemiSSDart loaned me and the mount I bought from a guy a year ago at one of Hemis swap meets. What happened was I had a mount from a Aspen that I had been told was a Dart mount and it did not mount in that crossmember correctly so therefore I thought it was a no-go.

So I took my Milwaukee Sawzall to it and modified it to work.




It is under the Dart holding the transmission up with temporary bolts.