You’ll have to custom create a box. If you know the speaker requirements and can cut wood, then getting the proper internal dimensions for the speaker to properly respond is easy. Getting the shape of the external box to the shape you want is the challenge. Putting carpet over it is easy.
Radio Shack used to have a decent book on the subject. I built a few boxes with there guide lines and knowledge of the speaker. It worked excellent.
My last two Dusters aren’t cold down rear seat cars. (But I really like my ‘73 with it. That and the floor shifted manual trans & 3.21’s.)
So it’s just been two 6 X 9’s in the rear deck with a subwoofer backed by 2 amps. 90 nom, 180 X 2 max for the 6 X 9’s and 1 for the sub @ (IIRC, it’s been a while) a JBL amp & 450 max, ummm, 190/200 nom... I forget.
It rocks enough.
hello curious if there is any audiophiles here? My 73 duster has the fold down rear seat which is awesome for car audio subwoofer systems.anyone on here have a custom ported sub box built to fit into the rear section behind the fold down seat?