Dad’s 1969 Dodge Dart Swinger 340

So today was about getting the seats and carpet out. Easy enough. Front seat we did last night... 4 nuts, 2 bolts. It has a solitary split in the driver butt area. I think the BS about it having new interior is just that. It’s not in bad shape, but it’s definitely original.

Back seat was easy as well... took arm rests off rear panel, popped the bottom off, bent tabs back, popped the top off. Took out the kick panels. The screws weren’t engaging anything, so I just pulled them out. A few more pieces of trim later and the carpet was free. Carpet is a cut pile (fuzzy) not loop. I’m guessing aftermarket. It’s in good condition, just needs cleaned. Rear seat had another broadcast sheet in it... for the same 1971 Valiant.

The floors are solid as expected. What little rust I found is strictly surface and formed under something that was sprayed on the metal. I’ll scuff and encapsulate. Here be fotos






