Stop in for a cup of coffee

Was supposed to have a doc visit this morning. Been going to this place for maybe a year. Always saw a 'Nurse Practitioner', never the actual doc. She moved to their other office, so had an appt with the other NP. I get there and they say need to reschedule cause no providers are in the office. Supposedly tried to call me and my phone was out of service. Umm no... Had them call my phone and of course it rang. So got past that to the reschedule part. Wanted to give me a Facetime appointment with the actual doctor- who I have never even met. I'm like- No, not for initial visit. So now have a real visit for next Wed. I think the problem is they are a Pain Management office. AKA pot distributer, and I think they are just overloaded. Will see how it goes next week, but seriously thinking might need to look for someone else.
Adding to that, I did screw up yesterday and forgot to take some meds in the AM. BP was up pretty high last night. SO, was really kinda counting on going in there this morning to kick around what I should do if/when that happens. My 'stress echo' that the cardiologist wanted is scheduled for Thursday, so if anything is off, that should catch it.
Good Morning