Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning, Keith, yep I think they've added too many moving parts to medical almost every appointment I have with one doctor, they call and say they have to reschedule. Another doctor called to talk about some tests, and then in the middle of the conversation said oh let's see your appointment is in two weeks, I don't think I need to see you then. Which is fine with me because luckily I am pretty healthy but doctors will take over your life if you let them! Like you're their pet! (hmmm I think David is just a little heavy, need to cut back on his food....):lol:
Yeh, I guess the old days where your 'family doctor' actually knew who you are must be long gone. I just find the idea of a phone visit for a general checkup with a doc I have never met as a very incomplete checkup, bordering on a big waste of time. Maybe for a follow-up visit or if I had a cold or something. I guess most of their patients that are saying this hurts and that hurts and here's the drug and what to do with it....