Did you know?

Of course it is!
If some people thought I was serious, then they don't know me very well........
Sadly, some cultures are still fine with the female as a second class citizen and doing whatever a man says.

Locally, a Feminist group was organizing a demonstration.
They were having problems agreeing on what to write on the signs, where the demonstration would take place, and even the day to hold the event.
I had to step in and had it organized for them in one hour.
Some of the signs were obviously too heavy for some of them to carry, so I took it upon myself to lighten them up and sand them so they didn't get any slivers.
I even got a few of my buddies with pickup trucks to load up the signs and take them and the feminists to the demonstration site.
They were very grateful for that.
Did Snap-on-Tools help sponsor them? Just asking