SB turbo headers?

Do you have pictures of your setup in the car you would share, I imagine there's even more compartment room in a 67' than a 65', I am also just about ready to pull the chain on my wallet emptying a bunch of coin for the HDK crossmember w/rack which certainly ain't gonna hurt my confines.

Since my pockets do have bottoms in regards to the Turbo setup $$$, whats a realistic pricepoint to get it turnkey with a good controller.

my setup isn’t near what Matt’s is but I got at least 6k in mine. That’s without a fuel system included. I didn’t go ball bearing turbos to save money for now just to make sure I wasn’t building a grenade. But I have 2 PTE 72mm turbos. $1100 each. But I did spend good money on wastegates and BOV. All Tial. $380 a wastegate plus $250 for the bov. And $500 for the eboost 2 turbo smart controller. You can see what happens fast..