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Do you use any undercoating on your cars, like Rust Oleum 248656, or equivalent product ? And / or cavity wax ?

My experience with salt on roads is mostly irritation and anger, lol It makes a mess, and makes the cars rust.

Nobody really uses undercoating much anymore as it caused more rust than it prevented. Back in the vintage car era, they used to do a lot of spraying of the undercarriage with oil as a seasonal protectant.

These days, the preferred spray for the undercarriage is “Fluid Film” lanolin spray. Works great! Priority-_--_-0-_-0&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlvOEsuDg5QIVDvbjBx0jYwjOEAQYASABEgLkovD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds