Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well sitting here with the wife and we are enjoying a Crown and cubes. Been a long day five hours of fall yard work and two hours at the gym.
Getting ready to cook up a couple rib-eyes, sour cream mashed potatoes and some mixed veggies and mushrooms.
I have a special way I prep the steaks, marinate, sear, then grill, etc... No steak knife required, one of the best steaks you'll have!!
Sounds GRRREAT!!!

Stuffed myself with leftover chicken roast, potatoes and sweet potatoes etc. Soup was mushroom barley. Just enough left for tommorrow. Then I'll make chicken soup - of course!
Salad had some fresh turnip greens. This is prob the last I'll be able get fresh.
Brought in some arrugala that survived the freeze. Nasturtiums are gone.
Planted some shallots and garlic a neighbor gave me. We'll see in the Spring how they do. Low risk experiment... laugh2-gif.gif