Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sounds GRRREAT!!!

Stuffed myself with leftover chicken roast, potatoes and sweet potatoes etc. Soup was mushroom barley. Just enough left for tommorrow. Then I'll make chicken soap - of course!
Salad was had some fresh turnip greens. This is prob the last I'll be able get fresh.
Brought in some arrugala that survived the freeze. Nasturtiums are gone.
Planted some shallots and garlic a neighbor gave me. We'll see in the Spring how they do. Low risk experiment... View attachment 1715421622
I was busy splitting wood and mowing leaves earlier. Wife burned her finger with hot melt glue yesterday and wasn't into cooking. So, I tossed a frozen peperoni pizza in the oven. 15 minutes later - dinner served. And a couple beers of course.