My launch RPM was all over the place trying to find a great spot which I never really could hence my excitement about the clutch tamer accompanying the two step...
I've went as far up as 6800 as a shift point but never gained anything over 5,800..
410 gears..
It's the number 175 grind in the middle of that chart. that would be Oregon cam grinding solid...
I started with the 188 valves and the 273 rockers and the second year I did more Port work myself and a couple hours by the machine shop and put 202's and the 1. 6 Hughes rockers the second year... Didn't see much bang for the buck with that..
Tunnel ram and 4-speed always..
Remember this wasn't a purpose-built car as we all know it.. this was my purpose built car everything I would have wanted in high school but didn't have.. at least not in my 73 Javelin LOL...