13.3's to 11.8's to Forget it...

Why don't you fest up.. if you ran an 11-8,
I wouldn't be the first person you poked at?
PLEASE!... How many of you believe that... (Insert Jeopardy theme song)...
Why do I need to run a 11.8 to poke at you??? I poke at you now!! In fact, I made sure you were well aware that my stock 360/2.94's 60 ft better than your built 410 stroker/3.54's didn't I? And not just the 60 ft, I think I might have beat you to the 330 ft????? And you STILL believe I need a 11.8 to kick your sand castle??? And the fact that there isn't even a second between us is a reason for me to kick another sand castle of yours over.... LOL :D :D And still, you are not my target, your entertainment! LOL