13.3's to 11.8's to Forget it...

Yellow Rose needs to make sure his medications up to par... JPar..:D
I said calm down dude we're just bench racing..
how about I play the upper hand and say if you weren't such a crazy lunatic out here and would actually show up to places I would let you work on my car and I would let you sit in the passenger seat and let me take you for a ride... ain't no one ever drove my car except for my son and me.. and one time my wife did with the old 318...
So get off your high horse like you put on your pants two feet at a time...

You just need to remember my parents are OLD and my in laws are OLD and it was two years getting the MIL past her cancer and stroke. And now, I just got the green weenie again.

My mom had a surgery scheduled for today. I got here about 5:15 Sunday. Monday at 8:05 my mom got a call (those morons are supposed to call me or my brother first...when I get there next week, there will be no misunderstanding about that agin because my mom doesn't get things straight and she is fretting about this whole deal) from OHSU and put her surgery off until a week from tomorrow. That little screw up will alter my plans until after the first of the year.

So it's not always me dodging out.