89 360 vs 71 360

From that thread:
"This is a Magnum only mod.. wont work on a LA ( unless its a later one with the bosses for the spider plate hold down... )"

Interesting none the less. Sounds like he had plugs made and I would assume he pressed them in to the lifters to fill the oil pockets?

He took apart the hydro lifters and effectively made a fixed pushrod seat with an oil hole. They would work with your 89 roller block (same spider and retainers as the non-magnum roller).

The modified lifters don't seem to be available anymore, and other forums/posts allude to issues/failures of these lifters that others have experienced.

If an aggressive cam is used in a roller block with OEM lifters it's probably just as effective to lash them solid and then back off 1/8-1/4 turn. Pump-up shouldn't be a huge concern if the car has a rev limiter and good springs.