Anyone try Thompson powerblast plate

Back to the powerblast plate, I really cannot see how those can effect WOT horsepower production. Really they are on a completely different circuit. The squirters are there to cover up a momentary lean dead spot on tip in right? So on a properly tuned carb set up there is really no power to be gained. Now how can we test drivability? That’s the question here. I can see them making a difference in how the engine reacts on the street in average (there’s that word again Rumble) driving scenarios. Johnny will you be street driving this car at all? I know it’s a bracket car, but any road time?

It's not about power. Here is a what if?

What if they actually allow the tuner to use a smaller pump nozzle and maybe a less aggressive pump cam and not lose driveability?

That's a big deal. When you touch the throttle and the vacuum falls, any and most all of the fuel mixed with air will reform as a liquid and fall onto the floor and walls of the intake (wet flow or wall flow) and that includes some of the pump shot.

95% (or more) of that fuel that falls out of suspension never gets back into the air stream (regardless of port finish) and just runs into the combustion chamber, stratifies and ends up as partially burned fuel out the pipe.

So, if you can reduce some fuel from the accelerator pump, you help the wet flow conditions.

That's a big deal.