maxjax tilt and/or autolift

I have the MaxJax standard package, been using it for 6 years now, have nothing but good things to say about it. Like you, I began to find it harder to get under the car on a creeper or kneel on the concrete to work on things. I looked at a few different styles, my brother has a 4 post drive on hoist in his garage, but I found it took too much space, and is still limited by ceiling height. My garage has a 10 foot ceiling, and that allows me to lift my Bronco high enough with the extensions and 4x4 wood blocks to use my trans jack without any difficulty. My initial thought was that it would allow my to do wheel service, brakes, axles, etc at standing height, the unit lifts about 4 feet with the basic lift pads, and I have a rolling stool for getting underneath, have to watch I don't whack my head on low hanging areas lol. I also like that it is easily moved when I have needed more floor space. My garage is 24 X 30 ft, and I have squeezed 4 vehicles in during the winter months for 4 of the last 5 years, 2 in storage and 2 daily drivers, but have decided that I don't want to do that anymore, I have acquired too much other stuff, tools and spare engines to name a few. For the money I don't think there was a better option for me at the time and I have never regretted buying it. Hope my ramble helps you in making a decision.
Thanks this is probably what I'll go with maybe both I like the other one because you can use it anywhere My floor is not that most level but I could cut out a section and use a pillar tube and set them level for cement