Need A Little help Please
Thank you!
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When he does send you that video and he will.. remember it's going to be very dry and take patients to listen through all the important parts..
For example I help people restore their cars and you'll be amazed at the people who just won't read the instructions to their carburetor. one of my last customers had an older Chevy truck that he was getting running and put a brand new Holley carburetor on it from Summit. He said I just threw it on and it ran great! I agreed it ran fine but as we all know any carburetor can use just a little adjustment according to the engine that it's on... I asked if him if he knew how to adjust his new carburetor and he didn't have a clue.. So I got on the summit website and looked up his carburetor and looked up the manual and I actually read the manual!? And then in the tuning part of the manual I read that twice to make sure I understood it fully.. Then the next day I come to my customers house and I look like some kind of carburetor Guru because I know how to do simple adjustments on his carburetor... My Edelbrock carburetors I can adjust with a blindfold on... I never knew how to work on either one of them till I did...