340 damage dilemma

The sleeves aren't the expensive part as you just stated, however it is the TIME to do it right. It takes more than 2 hours per hole to sleeve and FINISH hone/resurface the block if needed CORRECTLY. You must work for minimum wage YR or have some super fast , Star Trek tech machinery which I highly doubt. $125 for the first hole and your'e already losing money--$50 for every one after that and you're claiming bankruptcy. It's just a matter of time. Actually disregard what I just wrote. Can I send you a couple of blocks ? I need 8 sleeves in each-you can even supply the sleeves. J.Rob

LOL. I don't know what takes you so long. It ain't that hard. And I don't include the hone and surface in the cost of setting a sleeve. I don't know anyone who billed setting sleeves like that.

Don't know how you do it, but I can get the block in the machine and have the first hole in and ready to go in about 10 minutes. If I have a rigid machine and carbide tooling you can cut the bore in one pass. Otherwise it's two cuts. Big deal.

Square off the bottom and install the sleeve. That's maybe half an hour. Maybe. So my $125.00 is $250.00 an hour.

Then you repeat. I top all the sleeves at one time and flip the block and do it again.

How you do it, I can't say. Again, it ain't hard.

And of course, you have to finish bore the sleeve(s) and hone them to size and then surface the block.

Again, it ain't hard and it don't take that long.