Dartin for Divorce
Wow what a couple of weeks it's been. Slammed with patients and midterms making it impossible to get anything done on the car.
Today I did call an auto shop and machine shop to do my bushings on my LCAs. Both said to bring it it and both after arriving said they couldn't do it. Well 1 shop the owner said he could do it but wouldn't because there was to much slop in the lca and he didn't want to take my money pressing bushings into sloppy control arms that need to be replaced.
I found online that you can cut and reweld the tabs that hold the control arms together to tighten the slop out of them. So I will try that and I will go back to trying to do the bushings myself.
I'll try this weekend to swap everything else on and hook up the brakes since we have a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving.
Also big shout out to
@69_340_GTS for those rubber bushings for the master cylinder! You're to kind an I owe you a beer or five.