Who's rockers are these?

That rocker is bushed, like they all should be. When needle bearings are used two things happen.

The body is made significantly weaker because the bearing/race is so damn big where the bushing used in the rocker you have is a nice, thin wall piece so the rocker arm body is much thicker, especially around the spring pocket.

Unless its a High dollar T&D setup that uses its own smaller OD shaft and offset W style pedestals necessitating you milling the LA stands flat. Not for me, sold these fast. Notice size of nose roller, ball and ball adjuster, shaft and rod offset for split 1.65/1.75 ratios and carbon fiber spacers! $$$ You get what you pay for... Those Smith Brothers pushrods were more than my PF rockers....(ProForms hanging on wall) 002.jpg Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove-20120424-00141.jpg Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove-20120424-00143.jpg