Street Demon vs AVS2

What kind of binding was the phord kickdown causing? Mine has a small issue where it will not idle all the way down without stabbing the gas pedal sometimes. It has the phord kickdown.
If you grab that little lever, it should move freely, pulling it forward and pushing it back, if you crack/open the throttle normally with one hand, and grab that ford lever with yer other, it should move freely as you open the throttle to wide open. A while back I got on the throttle hard doing some showboating and went down the road. As I let off to come to a stop the thing kept on reving like a stuck throttle. I whacked the throttle and it dropped back down. Looking at it I discovered that lever was tight on its shaft, but the part sticking up was maybe rubbing on something?? (I'll have to look at it again to see which) causing the throttle to hang up. Lube didn't help. It was too tight, so I just hacked it off. Maybe a production flaw who knows but freaked me out at the time it hung up!