Who's rockers are these?

Here we go with the rpm again. I think my crap has ran pretty good over the last 40 plus years shifting at 7200 rpm or less. Maybe my plan isn’t that dumb. Lol. Build your stuff to 60 foot well and the rest comes easy. Almost like racing downhill

I've seen them come apart at way less RPM.

Go look at what Manton and Ried are building. They ain't stupid.

I can also tell you that at one time (haven't asked in awhile as I haven't had the reason to) Alan Johnson was talking about building steel bushed rockers for the 481 platform, and it needed it. Got into tire shake and it would start failing rockers. Took a bit to get everyone to figure out what was breaking the rockers.

A guy who was every bit of 6'9" and maybe a bit more who weighed maybe, maybe 200 pounds with his gear on figured it out.

Watching him fold himself up to get in the car was amazing.

Guess I could go to the Johnson web site and see if they ever did it.