Your assumption that CNC means good. Far from it. Very few CNC ports I have seen were worth running. The TF porting I looked at was about the best out of the box CNC I have seen.
Been in da game for 40 years now as a Die maker, Mold maker and now a Prototype Machinist, ran NC's and now a Yuuuuuge Mazak CNC Powermaster Lathe...all CNC means is Computer Numeric Control and once a program is written and stored in memory the machine is able to replicate said program and toolpath. "IF" it was a good porting process than it will be replicated, the same can be said for a bad porting process and personally I would think that if it was a "Good" process that it would still benefit from some hand smoothing and blending of the surfaces as even a 5-axis machine will still leave tool marks on a spherical surface.
There's nothing wrong with the notation of CNC and technology has come a long way, I can guarantee you that unless you are a True Masochist that wants to produce a cylinder head on a Bridgeport type mill, ALL CYLINDER Heads are going to see CNC time.