No, you misunderstand. You can make the complaint or excuse not to type and explain to the people.
This is what you need or should be typing out to people. This above is the first sentence to what you would call a long and drawn out AJ type of response of how and why **** works or doesn’t. This is your call do so or not.
Thanks, but a lesson I don’t need. Though I’m sure it’ll be a good read. It would be worth reading if you can come up with a well written lesson.
Most people don’t understand the reason behind the port shape and the relationship of size and air speed on the size port for a given size engine on a limited or unlimited build parameter but just assume that more cfm is better and bolt something on there engine and then get smoked at the race.
You could do some exceptional work with pictures and comparisons between heads and even point to the Hughes Big Mouth heads as one example and work downwards in port size. Show why things work and not.
Get your assistant ready for pictures!