Submarines Don't (didn't) Fight One Another

We blew up a train in WW2.

The records aren't as clear on the Japanese side to break down like above, but 128 subs in total were lost during WW2

Japanese Submarine Casualties in World War Two (I and RO Boats)

Shows over 15 Japanese subs sunk by American submarines. We lost one submarine to the Japanese sub attack.
Initially, our WW2 torpedoes were not that great, so they had to shoot multiple ‘fish’ to hit the target-they had to hunt and target another submarine to kill it. Often the torpedo would circle around and kill its own crew. About as dependable as our gasoline powered tanks in WW2 as my grandfather told me.

My friend Mr. Green had the enemy (Cold War) drive into and break his screw (he was a nub, cranking at the time) where his boat had to emergency blow to the surface, IN A STEEL TUBE, on the waves, float adrift for days on the Philipeen Sea while they waited for a surface ship to come rescue them. A sub on the surface could make Jesus himself seasick. It would be easier to walk on water.

At 400 feet we drove 18,750 tons ( One Million foot pound rated driveshaft {& we broke 2 on the Maine}) under a class 4 hurricane and took 15 degree roles, on the surface you feel as if you will tip over.

Mr. Green worked weapons QA in the office down the hallway and we would talk about all the different Mopars he owned-70 something years old, smoked a pack a day, tougher than nails. It’s like here, you can meet the best people.

52 boats lost. The Submarine Service represented only 1.6% of all Navy personnel during the war but they accounted for over 55% of all Japanese ships sunk, including one-third of the Imperial Japanese Navy. During World War II, the U.S. Navy’s submarine service suffered the highest casualty percentage of all the American armed forces, losing one in five submariners. Some 16,000 submariners served during the war, of whom 375 officers and 3131 enlisted men were killed.

24 ICBM’s on my first boat. Only two bases we deployed from, and we could reach out and touch anyone on the globe, over and over again, pretty much change all the maps.

USAF Satellite guys are more dangerous, there has been ‘Space Force’ stuff for years.