Stop in for a cup of coffee

The wheels of justice turn slowly here, but they are turning.
Just heard on the radio new charges filed higher up the corporate food chain.

Short version.
In a round about way, ETP hired constables to act as armed security as 'to protect' the pipeline construction when sink holes appeared.
Constables are elected officers.
Last January one of these hired constables tried to use his badge to keep an local plainsclothes detective away from a sinkhole.
Obviously the detective started asking questions.
In August the constables were charged.
Today, people at the companies that hired them were charged.
The allegation is the hiring of constables was an ETP policy decision.
We'll see if it sticks.
It's a crazy web of investigations. This is just one - kindof a sideshow.
It seems like corners were cut everywhere, and for what reason is beyond me.
Matt, can you post like to the rules for the road racing you do? Thanks.....