Stop in for a cup of coffee

Finish with a fist, not a weapon. My daughter already has that down at age 6. She actually had it at age 4. Kid at daycare kept biting my son, who was 2. She knocked the kid out cold. Got kicked out of daycare but I was okay with it given the circumstances
Oh I mean with a fist...My son is super quiet and very soft spoken in school and around groups of people...a few years ago he was having an issue with a kid on the bus. He told me about it and, I told him to stand up to the kid and if he swings...take him down...and he did, I was just fine with that. The bus driver said she couldn't believe he did that because you wouldnt even know my son was on the bus most days because he is so quiet....driver said she was not going to do anything to my son because if he got mad enough to pop this kid in the mouth then that kid had it coming...lmfao!!!