Things your Dad used to say.

Dad was a big guy (WW2 Vet Guadal Canal/Fijis) nicknamed "Mac" and if you could figure what a Mac should look like that was him, Flat Top and all.. A very good to my Mom hard working family man but no nonsense and never hesitated to wear my always in trouble azz out with those thin belts he wore that he ordered off the back cover of American Legion magazine!

8 yrs old...Dad I want a Mini Bike........GET A JOB!

I don't like Brussel Sprouts........EAT EM or GO HUNGRY!

But the other kids were doing it.......IF THEY WERE JUMPING OFF the BROOKLYN BRIDGE WOULD YOU DO THAT TOO!


*****All time classic though that made Dad a legend with me and my friends.....We lived close to top of a street that a had a serious downhill grade to it, well me and my azzhole friends were always playing football, baseball, stickball or whatever in the street and the ball would always end up in the neighbor across the streets yard. Thing is he had this hedge of meticulously pruned Golden Arborvitae and rather than go around to retrieve the ball we would just jump thru the hedge ( I said we were azzholes) Anyway so one day the ball goes in the yard, we jump thru the hedge...but this time the neighbor (Al Boyarsky) grabs the ball (baseball in this case) and throws it down the street, which intersects with another downhill street and so on and ball eventually went down a sewer. So I tell Dad what happened when he gets home (Dad was already in a Foul Mood) He marches across the street and starts banging on the neighbors door and the neighbor sheepishly came out " BOYARSKY, NEXT TIME YOU THROW MY SON"S BALL DOWN THE STREET, YOU"LL BE CHASING YOUR OWN BALL"S DOWN THE STREET"

All the things my Dad had tried to instill in me finally started making sense when i was in my 30's and the light bulb finally turned on..God I Loved my Dad and Miss Him So Much...RIP DAD!

*Pic from the 80's with Dad later in Life, me fixing a table and that 69' Cuda I'm Un-Mothballing in another thread
