My home inspection of Speedmaster heads

Yeah, I thought I saw that. I just wasn't sure. I've run some loose guides before. I've done a LOT of reading about knurling too. Enough to change my mind about it. I think it's beneficial......AS LONG AS you run "some type of" roller tipped rocker. I say that because the knurling does remove some surface area and as a result, they will wear sooner, unless a roller rocker is implemented. As long as you run rollers, I believe they will last virtually forever at that point, because that's about the only benefit rollers give, IMO. They just about completely remove the side loading and wear from valve stems and guides. Well worth their expense, IMO.

Thanks again for this write up. It's a goodun.
I remember in high school auto shop the theory was the knurling allowed more oil in between and would counteract the lack of material... Just spitballing for conversation sake of course...