My home inspection of Speedmaster heads

Dwayne Porter specifically mentioned bad valve seals on the set he took apart. Its posted in one of the many threads. I'd be swapping for quality valve seals, at a minimum.

But once you're apart, it's not much more time to mic a valve stem, and put a pin gauge through a guide.
I don't know the person you mentioned. They're probably a great Machinist..
I know the Machine Shop close to my house said they have junk valve seats and valve guides and that would be $800 to fix... Then at that point I guess I would want a new valve job as well. Might as well get new Springs retainers and all that as well.. what the hell at that time I might as well have them ported... Damn it I should have just got the truck flows..
Damn it you're right! All the gurus are right I'll never be happy unless I spend 3k on some heads...