truck wheel rant

im not on facebook
(i think i might have tried it once, for a day or two and decided it wasnt worth my time)

im sure a set will pop up on craigslist or something sooner or later

I can understand that it's a turn off to many because you read so much of people just posting useless information like what their doing nearly every minute of the day, posting a new pic of them-self or their kid every day or 2. That's what turns a lot of people off to FB, and did me in the beginning. Another thing is that IMO FB is safer than CL since you have a better way of tracking people. Living near St. Louis I have heard numerous news articles on how a CL deal went wrong, or someone used a CL post to rob someone. After a few yrs. of doing practically nothing on FB I found out there is a page for nearly thing your into. For me it's amateur radio and old cars and now I'm on there nearly every day looking through the ads and reading about my 'cheap' hobby (amateur radio) lol...