Haven't found which cam I am going with yet. Was hoping for some help from a member here who works at Crower, but after several attempts to get with him, I have given up and am going another direction.
Some people just cant understand that I am in the engineering department. So making phone calls out "Sales calls" are incredible hard since I am mostly on the dyno and spin-tron all day designing new parts. But if you like I can post the in box where you asked the question "
One more thAng.......can yall machine a 1/4" wide by 1/8" deep groove in the rear cam journal for increased oiling?" on July 19 2019 and responded a whole three days later with "
Yes not a problem. I did that to mine so when i started doing rocker arm testing I did not want to have an issue." On July 22 2019 Sorry for the late response then three days later ha ha ha. It is what it is. If you are referring to a Crower email well I get over 100+ of them a day 90% are sales So if I am in the engineering room for 3-4 days well....simple math will explain that.
On to what will help you Garrett Hurley and your engine........The link below is what I have been doing to my Dart "Daily Driver 50+ miles a day in So Cal Traffic" Some of the things that were offered to me on all these threads worked and some did not work. Enjoy the fun. Slants are way up on the cool factor case in point, I won a car show with my POS and was not even parked in the show area, just had the hood up. I like it because it is something different and I have NEVER messed with a slant before so what better way to learn than to try it out for myself. The biggest piece of info I can tell you is, get a wide band O2 sensor, that way you can see what is really going on, Slants respond differently to some mods and the same to others mods. Every engine is different so what works for one may not work for another. Also do not get frustrated, it is a learning curve for sure.
1969 Daily Driver