Anyone into go karts?

I actually had a go kart before. It was a hand me down just sitting in an shed when I moved in with my adoptive family. It had an 8 horsepower tecumseh engine. I got it running but I never drove it because i couldn't reach the pedals. Apparently built for an average to tall size Male.

I was going to modify the pedals but I ended up selling it because i was trying to buy my first 74 duster at the time and I was short money, but the go kart sale put me with enough to buy the duster.

Me and some neighborhood boys had one when I was a kid. It had an 8HP Briggs on it. I remover the governor and made a car like gas pedal for it. I don't know how fast it went, but we out ran the cops on Riverside Drive in Macon. They didn't have anything for it.