Authentic A-body heater hose

Frank Badalson just called me back a few minutes ago. I am going to try and give a synopsis on what he told me he knows in the world of heater hoses:

1) Mopar, back in the day, had many different hose vendors, the last numbers of "83044" was a vendor code. The first #s were for the part numbers.
2) This ---83044 # is the one being used predominantly in the reproduction world currently.
3) The style and amount of ribs were inherent in the process and they varied, depending on the vendor.
(It seems the 5/8" hoses have the ribs, the 1/2" hoses are smooth)
4) Up until 1969, all heater core and water pump ports were 5/8". So both hoses could be ribbed.
5) Starting 1970, Mopar began combining two 1/2" and two 5/8" ports in the engine compartment to prevent crossing the hoses which could restrict the hot water flow from the pump to the heater core. So one hose could be smooth and the other (5/8") could be ribbed.
6) Both A and B bodies potentially could have used the same vendors, hence the same hose numbers.

It was difficult trying to quickly write down as he was speaking, If anyone else has more accurate info, I would encourage them to share it.