71 Dart 410 stroker ..
Some days it does not pay to get out of bed......dam...
Jack up rear...fire up engine let it run in 1st gear.....warming up motor and trans..ok...back up....engage brake it holds twice...then it does not hold...ok out you come
Get car up on hoist....walking under car...i thought you better look at these tires....kid went sliding through traps at over 120 mph.....on the right slick you can feel a flat spot....left slick you can see where it slide but no flat spot....New set ordered....lol....ok ...lets look at front tires....well....new tires on order...alot cheaper then the back ones...lol
and moving on.....removing parts to get motor/trans out of car....oil filter is a milk shake....water in oil....must have blown a head gasket this morning as I had checked the oil yesterday.....so what the hell.....
engine will be out tomorrow....see what we got.