Sand blaster

Small blasters can work, if you will only be blasting smaller parts. I have a full size blaster and a big compressor because I do a lot of body work and I powder coat. Although I will readily admit that probably 80% of what I do could go in a smaller blaster. If you had a smaller blaster, anything bigger you could have done professionally. Here in Topeka, there is a monument company (ie gravestone etching) that will sandblast for $1 per minute. That sounds like a lot, but they can do a whole rear axle housing in about 20 minutes. I do like the looks of that barrel blaster. TWO IMPORTANT THINGS YOU MUST DO!!! First you must have a vacuum system to pull the dust from the cabinet. Otherwise you will not be able to see what you are doing. A shop vac might work OK, but the filter will clog fairly rapidly (maybe in an hour or so). Second, You must protect the INSIDE of the glass on the front of the cabinet with plastic liners. After a while, the media will etch the liner to the point where vision is difficult. Then you just take the glass out, and replace the liner and clear vision is restored. If you don't use liners, you'll etch the glass. Then, when you can't see any more (and it won't be long), you are buying glass, not just cheap plastic liners. I get my liners from TP Tools, the same company I bought the cabinet from. Also, carbide tips on the gun will last WAY longer than plain steel or ceramic. They are WELL worth the extra cost. USE A MASK OF SOME SORT.