Sand blaster

A lot of people forget to regulate the air when blasting. Media blasting does best between 70-90 PSI. That helps smaller compressors keep up, too. Mine is only a 30 gallon tank Lowes compressor with a 2 cylinder inline pump. If I keep the trigger held a long time, sure, it won't keep up. But short controlled shots and it does ok. I wouldn't mind having a bigger one,l though. It's easily justified. I agree 100% about doing the Skat Blast upgrade. This is what I put in mine. @CudaChick1968 was nice enough to recommend it. It works MUCH better than the gun that came with it. I don't have any moisture control on mine whatsoever and I like in the humid south. It still does a pretty good job.

USA Cabinet Gun & Pickup Tube Upgrade Kit