Star Wars

Now that I think more about it, it may have been weeks after the premier when I finally saw it and the line was still 4 hours long.

I remember many news stories on TV about how crazy the lines were.

I believe I ended up seeing it 4 times in the span of a calendar year.

My best friend and his older brother went 10 times.

My mom also ordered me a pre-release promo figure set from General Mills (cereal) that came in a cardboard box with R2D2, Chewbaca, Princess Leia and a not quite ready for production Luke including a double extension light saber (head mounted funny, and feet not level).

Until 2005 I never saw this set in any collector catalog- but that year a similar set appeared and was valued at $400. Still not my set but the same figures in similar packaging called an "early bird" set.

I still have them but they have HEAVY play wear, and of course the dog got hold of the Luke figure and put a tooth into that extremely rare head. I also "fixed" his inability to stand by gluing a piece of model sprue to one shoe sole.