Yes more intake side work coming. My exhaust side work differs from many on how to go about it. Several years ago my son and I went to a 2 day (app 14 hour) class on head porting given by Darren Morgan at Columbus Ohio. In honestly it was way over my head as it used a lot of Calculus formulas and even the special calculator I bought for the class was a waste of money in my hands. I loved the class but wish it was actual hands on experience instead of book learning. With about 1 hour of class time left someone raised their hand and asked if we were going to touch on the exhaust side and he said soon. 15 minutes later we discussed exhaust port shape which most of us agreed was bellshaped. He then said to make the exhaust exit as big as possible, shape your port, and worry more about exhaust speed more than flow numbers. A quiet 325 FPS port will expel air especially when being pushed out. I honestly hate to waste time switching my bench over to flow the exhaust port as is out of the box but I may do it tomorrow just to prove my thinking.