Speedmaster Small block porting tips and results Part 1
My point gets to be how many of us own a flow bench to test our home Port job and how good we're doing it? Like stated grind a little test a little do this or do that a little and test.. how would a guy at home watching and listening to all this great knowledge on how to port and where to Port if it could be interpreted know if they made any difference or in some cases made things worse?...
I'll go ahead and say the elephant in my head this seems more like chest beating that I can Port great and I have a flow machine and I know what I'm doing more so then this is an exact guide at exactly how much and where and how with pictures pointing out the areas a guy with no experience or very little and no tools or very little can get a lot out of these cheap heads doing some simple hot rodding at home... Sorry no offense I appreciate everybody's work and efforts but it's just what goes on in my head...
It's all very interesting to read about...