Every legitimate question on this site, results in an informational prick waving contest of epic proportions. I receive a lot of info here....and I'm very thankful for that. It's just sad that simple questions can't be answered here anymore.
Until you start paying me (and the literal "me," the "us") our imagined consultation fees, we are "working here" for free. Nobody is paying anybody to spend time here. And you might keep in mind that not all the "simple" problems here turn out to be that simple. Also, "we" can't see what YOU are dealing with. We don't know what's in your mind, what you have checked, or what you think you have checked and made a mistake, thus skipping a potential cause. A lot of us are just plain getting old. At some point we start to forget. I'm truly sorry we cannot be the perfectly organized wealth of information, always correct, always spot on.