Christmas toys you'll never see again

My buddy and I decided we would build a cannon. We used a 4' stick of 1/2" conduit (VERRRRY STURDY!!!) and drove a broom stick into one end. We drilled a fuse hole in the side of the conduit just above where the stick stopped and inserted a fuse from a blackcat firecracker. We cut open who knows how many shotgun shells to pour out the powder and dropped it down the open end, stuffed it with a wad of newspaper, dropped in nuts, cut-up nails, any kind of metal trash we could find and topped it off with a little more newspaper wadding. We propped the thing up against the brick wall in the back yard, and, to see if the thing really worked, we placed a metal trash can lid in front of the business end. We lit the fuse, ducked down, and BOOOOM...blew about a 1" hole in the trash can lid. My mom came running outside to see what the hell we had done now. Lucky we didn't explode the conduit and load our asses with shrapnel. Oh my gosh, we were stupid. But, 60 years later I can tell my grandkids what NOT to do for fun.