Mopar R1 block
If your building a street beast for fun, don’t worry about it. If your trying to science out a race engine for a very specific thing... well, your in a world of math now!
This is where AJ would have a great old tyme in the calculators! He’d get ya n the ball park for a cam.[/QUOTE]
I’m attempting to get my car in the high 9s in order to possibly be able to run a 9.90 index at a coupe tracks around here. Super gas.
That’s around the 700 horse mark, so a 440 small block should allow me to get there with a little cushion.
The engine going in it now, is what that cam is going in. A 372 with w2 heads which should get the car solidly in the 10s in order to get the car lined out, and see how the chassis is going to work now that’s it’s a full caged car.