Speedmaster Small block porting tips and results Part 1

Again going back to the class I went to we were told to never exceed 15 degrees between our seat angles as air has a hard time navigating it. A bigger valve would lower that straight area but for right now I’m trying to help guys out with 2.02 valve info as that’s what 90% of them will be running. If I wanted to hit the easy button I could drop them off at the machine shop, hand over 64.00, and grab a different set of valves off the shelf. If it hits the 282-285 cfm I’m at now and I’m satisfied with the mid lift numbers it’s a win win.

I meant using an 82 off the bottom of your 75 if you can get it in there. Sometimes there isn't room for all that unless you go to the bigger valve.
And I agree 15 degrees is the maximum I would use. If you can keep it down to 10 degrees all the better. If I use a back cut I try and use a 7 or 8 degree back cut if at all possible.