Speedmaster Small block porting tips and results Part 1

Okay........ so if you were to try and duplicate that port as near as you could, without any mid-stream flow testing....... how long do you think it would take?

Any idea how long it would take to do the exhaust?

Time to do the chamber?

Just trying to give the folks an idea of what they’d be biting off if they went all the way down that road.

To long. Lol. And that’s why I quit doing it for customers. If I remember right the most I ever charged Port a set of heads and intake was 650.00. That included before and after head flowing and bolting the intake on and giving before and after flow numbers. Plus I did all needed valve job work. I’m a slow lazy old man so I work pretty slow. A Head porter charging 1200.00 plus and sending a nice product out the door is earning his money.