Stroker specific cams?
IDK that Jones really needs special lifters but I know he does not like some brands
bigger wheel is better
IDK if comp makes a MOPAR xfi lobe- I looked one time but I forget
old IR lobes sucked and were not very IR, some just as IR as could be ground on a production wheel- sort of an advertising ploy
personally In later years I made more boat and motorhome motors than hot street stuff
but here goes
I found that making the intake bigger and better even at the expense of the exhaust (flow wise) works
I found that .050 flow tells me when i have to open the intake valve to get the flow started at overlap, exhaust pull, and all that.
along with that a long rod mopar is quite different than a short rod sbc or bbc
they have to start opening the intake earlier to get it open where it counts
valve job makes a big difference
I pulled dyno down way below 2500 as I was using torque converters that I had to have locked up down there
I have not tried these late high stall converters and how they might not slip in a heavy vehicle, heat and all that
something OP needs to keep in mind
flat flank roller can make the same peak hp but that's not where it's at
IR can have shorter seat timing and therefore more torque at the same rpms
look at 200
interesting the UD harold said his mopar 256 cam was 5-6 degrees bigger than his chevy 256
why leave 5-6 degrees on the table
difference may be bigger on bigger cams
great thread