all I have to say is when buying an old car dont trust anyone about its history

It's just awful, how if we want to buy a car, we have to spend hour after hour verifying numbers to make sure we get what we are paying for.
I got lucky and got mine from the original owner.
The authenticity of it was verified by many mutual friends we have in the same small town.
There are reasons people just get into rods.

I had a buddy a decade ago that was always dragging flip material home. He had some very nice cars, keepers, , but he loved the hunt, like me. One day he called and said he had a 69 383 4 speed Roadrunner for sale. Even had the # eng>!!!!! He went on to say he knew to car all its life has never left the county, but it has had maybe a dozen different engines in it over the years!!! Luck would have it that the last engine swap got the original motor back in!!!! That does not happen often!