Cams for 318's

from another thread
VooDoos are true Chrysler profiles, designed for the .904" tappets.
That 213/.454" profile is about 5 or 6 degrees fatter at .200 than the Chevrolet one.


similar differences between flat flank and IR rollers

`Following up on UDHarolds observation that the Mopar series gives more duration (flow) at .200 and my observation that I shorter seat may be utilized on builds that do not have compression maxed out
Lunati 260 260/260 210/210 441"/.441" typical of universal (Chevrolet) grinds
one size shorter seat Voodoo but more at .050 and more lift
60401 256/262 213/220 .454'/.475"
two sizes shorter seat Voodoo still more lift this is still a fatter lobe than the universal
60400 250/256@ seat 208/[email protected] .454"/.454" valve lift,
but would build more cylinder pressure- would close the intake about 5 degrees earlier than the universal-Chevrolet one All UDHarold designs so apples to apples

As has been said you could use a 260 voodoo and get more horsepower
but this version of optimization gives a fatter torque curve
the 60400 and 60401 Voodoos were selected by Harold and his designs

For you it's not the additional hp
it's being able to run one size shorter cam and still have a little more hp while really picking of the get away experience

You can do the same drill with IR vs Flat flank rollers